
Chainlink oracles on Starknet!

Earlier this year, during Starkware Sessions 2023 in Tel Aviv, some very exciting news were announced — that Chainlink oracles are coming to Starknet!

Earlier this year, during Starkware Sessions 2023 in Tel Aviv, some very exciting news were announced — that Chainlink oracles are coming to Starknet!

This initiative is aimed at accelerating ecosystem growth and the long-term adoption of Starknet by equipping Starknet developers with low-cost, reliable Chainlink oracle services.

As part of this strategic partnership, Starknet tokens will be allocated to Chainlink SCALE, which will cover certain operating costs for Chainlink oracle nodes that supply Starknet with a variety of Data Feeds and other oracle services.

SpaceShard x Starkware x Chainlink

Since day one, SpaceShard was involved in writing smart contracts, unit and integration tests, and research of tools that helped in the development. That research led to contributing to a couple of open-source libraries in the Starknet ecosystem. We supported Chainlink coming to Starknet by providing all necessary support on the technical side - regarding Starknet itself and Cairo language.

The excitement about the Starkware x Chainlink x SpaceShard collaboration is mutual on all sides!

Wanna know more about Chainlink and blockchain oracles? Click here.

If you wanna learn more about our work with Starkware, visit our Projects page.  

And if you want to know more about Starknet Ecosystem, tools and zk technology check out our blog , and follow SpaceShard Twitter and Starkware Twitter.

* This article is also available on SpaceShard Medium.

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